6.1 Archiving and dissemination
Contributed by Shobhana Chelliah, Merrion Dale, Mary Burke
In this section, we discuss the process you will follow to archive with CoRSAL. These steps include:
- Selection: deciding what to include in your collection
- Archiving: transferring files and metadata to the CoRSAL team
- Dissemination: ensuring the end-user can find the collection
- Framing: creating a story and guide for the collection
After successful completion of this module, you will have learned:
- How to transfer your files to CoRSAL for archiving
- How to create a landing page for your collection
- How to create a guide for your collection
- How to promote your collection
Burke, M. (2020a). Obstacles overcome in the creation of the Lamkang Language Resource: Implications for archiving Tibeto-Burman languages. Paper presented at the North East Indian Linguistics Society 11, 7-9 February. Kokrajhar, Assam.
Burke, M. (2020b). Strategies for increasing findability of language data. Poster presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, 2-5 January. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Burke, M., & Zavalina, O. L. (2020). Identifying challenges for information organization in language archives: Preliminary findings. Sustainable digital communities (pp. 622-629). Springer International Publishing. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43687-2_52
Burke, M., Chelliah, S. & Phillips, M. (2019, May). Preparing Linguists’ Field Recordings and Datasets for Ingest into a Digital Library System: Lessons from creating the Lamkang language resource at the UNT Digital Library. Paper presented at the Texas Conference of Digital Libraries, University of Texas at Austin.
Roeschley, A., & Kim, J. (2019). “Something that feels like a community”: the role of personal stories in building community-based participatory archives. Archival Science, 19(1), 27-49.
Rolan, G. (2017). Agency in the archive: a model for participatory recordkeeping. Archival Science, 17(3), 195-225.